Common Mistakes New Shopify Store Owners Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Common Mistakes New Shopify Store Owners Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Starting a Shopify store is an exciting venture, but it can also be a little overwhelming. As a new store owner, it's easy to make mistakes that can hinder your success. In this post, we’ll highlight some common pitfalls and provide actionable advice on how to avoid them.

1. Neglecting to Optimize for Mobile

With over 50% of e-commerce traffic coming from mobile devices, ensuring your store is mobile-friendly is essential. Many new Shopify store owners overlook this aspect, resulting in a poor user experience for mobile visitors.


  • Choose a responsive Shopify theme that adapts well to mobile screens.
  • Regularly test your store on different devices to ensure it looks great everywhere.
  • Minimize large images and files that can slow down loading times on mobile.

2. Using Low-Quality Product Images

Your product images are the first impression your customers get of your product. Poor-quality images can lead to lost sales and erode trust in your store.


  • Invest in high-quality images that showcase your product from different angles.
  • Include zoom functionality to let customers see product details clearly.
  • Use consistent lighting and backgrounds to create a cohesive, professional look.

3. Ignoring SEO Basics

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) might seem like a daunting task, but without it, your Shopify store might get lost in search results. Many new store owners focus only on the design and neglect SEO.


  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich product titles and meta descriptions.
  • Optimize image alt text for search engines and accessibility.
  • Ensure your website’s structure is simple and easy for search engines to crawl.

Don't let these common pitfalls hold you back. As experienced Shopify experts, we're here to guide you through the process of launching and scaling your online store. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your existing store to the next level, our team is ready to help. Let's work together to turn your e-commerce vision into reality.

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4. Not Having a Clear Return Policy

One of the biggest factors that influence customer purchasing decisions is the return policy. Many new Shopify store owners either skip it entirely or make it overly complicated.


  • Create a clear, concise return policy and display it prominently on your store.
  • Make sure your return process is easy to understand and hassle-free for the customer.
  • Offer a generous return window (30-60 days) to build customer trust.

5. Overcomplicating the Checkout Process

A complex or confusing checkout process is one of the leading causes of abandoned carts. Don’t make the mistake of asking for unnecessary information or adding too many steps to checkout.


  • Enable Shopify’s Express Checkout options like Shop Pay or Apple Pay.
  • Keep the checkout process to as few steps as possible.
  • Avoid forcing users to create an account before purchasing; offer guest checkout instead.

6. Skipping Email Marketing

Many new Shopify store owners think they need to focus solely on social media or paid ads, forgetting about the power of email marketing. Email is still one of the most effective ways to engage and convert your audience.


  • Build an email list from the start using sign-up forms and pop-ups.
  • Use Shopify’s email marketing tools to send personalized campaigns and abandoned cart emails.
  • Offer incentives like discount codes to encourage people to subscribe.

Avoid these pitfalls and succeed with your Shopify store. As experts, we're here to help you launch, grow, and optimize your e-commerce business. Let's turn your vision into reality.

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7. Ignoring Analytics and Data

Running a successful Shopify store requires understanding what works and what doesn’t. Many new store owners make the mistake of ignoring analytics, relying on guesswork rather than data-driven decisions.


  • Regularly review your store’s analytics using Shopify’s built-in reports.
  • Track metrics such as conversion rates, traffic sources, and average order value.
  • Use this data to adjust your marketing strategy, pricing, and product offerings.

8. Failing to Build Trust with Social Proof

Shoppers want to feel confident that they’re making the right choice. Many new store owners overlook the importance of social proof, such as customer reviews, which can significantly impact buying decisions.


  • Encourage customers to leave reviews by offering incentives like discounts or loyalty points.
  • Display customer testimonials and reviews prominently on your product pages.
  • Use Trust Badges to show secure payment options and refund guarantees.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll be better positioned to create a smooth, professional, and successful Shopify store. Remember that success doesn’t come overnight, but with careful planning and a focus on user experience, you’ll be well on your way.

We're here to help you avoid these mistakes and more. If you're looking for a Shopify agency that can help you launch and grow your store, we'd love to chat.

Contact us →

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